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The place for online obedience and health care training for your pet!

Kingdom of Pets is your ticket to:

  • TRAINING your Dog or Cat effectively
  • CARING for your pet's health needs
  • UNDERSTANDING why your pet behaves the way they do
  • NURTURING a life-long relationship with your pet that you'll cherish

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Anna Kovalenko  — New York, USA

Hello Daniel, Your book is great, I trained one dog 15 years ago, so now when I got my new puppy I really didn't know where to start, I forgot everything about training a dog! Your book helped me a...

Victoria Duggan  — England

We have two dogs a Rough Collie named Ben (5 years) and a Boarder Collie cross Lakeland Terrier named Mindy (8 months). Ben was a rescue dog and was so grateful to be re-homed that he was a breeze to...

Anke Herrman  — Granada, Spain

Hi Daniel, I am a first time dog owner. After years in an office I now work from home and had been thinking of getting a dog for some time. I was still in the process of deciding whether to go to a...

Neil and Marion Upritchard  — U.K

Dear Daniel. We got Henry through the Cocker Spaniel club of Great Britain through their rescue centre, that looks after our part of the country. He was a 2 and a half year old Golden Cocker...

Dee & Nickey  — USA

I highly recommend this book to all pet owners. Dogs are so trainable but can get confused if you try too many different methods out on them. Reading how to do it and do it right the first time is...

All you need to understand, train, and care for your pet the way they deserve!

Secrets to Dog Training

The internet's #1 dog obedience training and behaviour resource.

Dog House Training

All you need to know to keep those doggy messes outside where they belong.

Dog Health

Inside information about caring for the health of your dog.

Dog forum

So you can share triumphs, issues, hints, and tips with other dog and cat owners.

Complete Cat Care

Complete Cat Training and Care you need for a happy, healthy, well-behaved cat.

Tropical Fish Care

For your own world-beating aquarium, and thriving tropical fish.