My dog is extremely aggressive and territorial when she encounters any strangers especially males. If she sees a male anywhere, she immediately becomes aggressive and ready to attack. When visiting my female friends at their house she is playful as ever. However, if any of my male or female friends or strangers visit our house, all bets are off and she is aggressive without prejudice. She even bit one of my female friends last visit!
She generally listens to most of our commands but when it comes to anyone outside of our family she seems to become deaf to anything we say. If someone knocks at the door, the doorbell goes off, she hears a car drive by she instantly gets into aggressive attack and bark mode. I can take her to pet stores and she's usually ok unless a guy walks to close by. We always have to put her away when people come and then she barks her head off all evening and scratches at doors trying to get back inside.
Any and all ideas on how to help fix this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!