Aggressive Rat Terrier to children

Posted by wmorton
Jun 17, 2008
We've had Jesse, our Rat Terrier mix for almost 8 years. We got her from the Humane Society before we had children. She has always shown jealousy towards the kids, but is now is biting. She has snapped at kids coming over to the house, so now she is always put away when we have guests. My biggest concern is that she continues to be aggressive to our 3 year old daughter, who is constantly trying to pet and love her. Her behavior has drastically improved in other areas since I've read SitStayFetch, and she certainly considers me the Alpha Dog. Each time she bites at kids, particularly my daughter, I am out of the room, and as soon as I run in to see what has happened, she runs to her kennel. I have tried to teach my daughter that she can only pet when an adult is around, (but this isn't really happening) and she always treats the dog respectfully from what I have observed. I observed a few minor incidents when our son was a toddler, but it faded away as he got older. (Now 5 years old.)

I am getting to the point of considering get rid of our dog because this is not what I want in a family pet. I do not want to use a muzzle, but I must keep my kids safe!

Thanks for any help.
Posted by MaxHollyNoah
Jun 17, 2008
Hi Wendy!

I understand your concern. Your children's safety is the number one priority.

On the other hand, I understand how Jesse is feeling as the family has changed. She used get all the attention from you and your husband. Then a baby boy came to her world and took all the attention away, and a baby girl and their friends... she is now being kept away every time their friends come and being left out. You would say that is her own fault because she bites young children. However, I don't think she understands the consequences.

Is she getting enough exercise? Rat Terrier is quite athletic for a small dog. Is she still getting positive attention from you and your husband? Is she being scolded most of the time? I understand you are very busy with 2 young children but can you spend some one on one time only with Jesse?

By reading your posting, I got a feeling that Jesse's biting is a way to get attention from you guys. She has lived with you almost 8 years so I would think she has established her position in your family and now she feels insecure about it.

As the leader (I don't like to use "Alpha") Jesse might expect you being not only controlling her but also providing her security so that she can be happy in the family. I am sorry if I was wrong about how she is being treated in your family.

Hope you will be able to work it out.
Posted by wmorton
Jun 17, 2008
My initial response is that it has been five years for her to get used to the kids being around, and things have gotten progressively worse. She probably does not get enough attention nor exercise. I've made a recent effort to take her for more walks, just me and her, but she walks so poorly that I've been frustrated. When I try the SitStayFetch suggestions, she is even more of a "spaz", completely exited and confused on which way to go, rather than just pulling me everywhere. She also used to run around the neighborhood a lot, but we've gone to leashing her consistently this spring, for obvious reasons. But, back to the original issue, I can provide more exercise and continue to give her attention when the kids are asleep, but I feel like I need to act more immediately with this biting issue. Also, the dog and my husband have never....seen eye to eye on things, so they don't have a positive relationship.

Thanks for your thoughts to consider! I would love any other other suggestions or comments.