Aggressive or afraid when feeding???!!!???

Posted by chefboyardy
Mar 24, 2009
So We've been working on Morgan's aggression issues and have them under control and are constantly revisiting his aggression training to keep them down but there is one thing he has done for a while and still does no matter how well trainined he is.

Before I feed him I give him a 5 minute training session to make him work for his food. I put the food in his bowl as a sign to say if you want this then work for it, then I train him. Normally when I train him he is playful and excited to do as I say, but the second there is food in his bowl he moans and grumbles through out his training. Also, almost like he is scared when the food hits his bowl he is reluctant to come into the kitchen and sits just outside looking as I call him in (He wouldn't think to disobey when it's not for food). And the last and most irritating thing is that he pees a little!!! Everytime! just a squirt sometimes and other times more! All this ONLY when it's feeding time! he is perfect any other time!

So I did a little test: I brought him into the kitchen for a non-feeding training session with no food in the bowl. I trained him with no problem for a while, then I filled his bowl and continued training him. His behaviour imediately changed to how he usually is at feeding time!!! Why???

The other day he was so reluctant to come into the kitchen that he just wouldn't! He refused! But he almost looked scared! So I figured I would go back a few steps in training and reward him for each command he obeys and slowly increase his threashold for rewards. It imediately worked. He came with no problem once he saw kibble in my hand, and I rewarded him. He sat with no grumble and I rewarded him. He rolled over, gave paw, on his side, in "place" and each time he was rewarded. When he was done I let him go for the rest of his food. No grumbling, no peeing and at full alert! Why am I forced to go back to puppy training my 4 year old dog??

I wish there was an emote for ripping your hair out!
Posted by chefboyardy
Mar 29, 2009
Ok, so today my tactic failed. and even though I had food in my hand he was hesitant of coming into the kitchen and when he did he peed all over the floor. Can anyone help me out with this?? I can't figure it out! Also today when this happened, the lipstick came out a tiny bit...
Posted by KOPsBecks
Mar 30, 2009
Hey have you taken your dog to the vet to check that something might not be making the kitchen a painful experience for him, eg. something medically wrong with him so it hurts to eat so he is afraid to come in the kitchen?

Maybe try this?

Good luck

Posted by chefboyardy
Mar 31, 2009
It's not anything that is causing him pain. Today we got him into the kitchen and he was really excited. He was having fun as we fed him for every trick he did. And then he squirted and before I even noticed, he scurried into his crate and hid.

At this point I have been cleaning up his urine daily at feeding time for months... after all the time I have invested into him I am ready to get rid of him. I am seriously considering euthinizing. I can find no help for this situation.
Posted by Annie
Mar 31, 2009
Hi there,
I´ve been reading and re-reading your post....and I´m sorry to hear that you feel so frustrated...but what keeps coming to me, as I read, is a power game. I´m sorry if I am about to offend you, but there seems to be a power war happening here, and your dog is so scared of upsetting you that he is wetting himself.

It´s a tricky problem to understand, and I am trying, but when I change the 'dog' into a 'child' I find some of your behaviour too controlling and domineering.

Let the dog eat.
Let him eat at the same time evey day.
If it doesn´t work in the kitchen due to negative feelings, change the location.
Leave out the 5 mins training to 'earn' his dinner.

Sure, do the training when he´s hungry, make it fun like you´ve been doing, and cut it short when it gets too serious.....but the dog should always be confident that his daily meal is going to come his way whether he is a good dog, or a slow learner.
All dogs (kids) are not the same, they learn at different rates and unfortunately yours seems to be going a bit backward. Punnishment only works when the animal understands...not when his whole world is crumbling.

Imagine a small child, stressed with life, meals strictly controlled with 'tricks' and then he wees the bed at night.....the punishments begin...he wees more...meals are stricter...he wees every night....stress.....

In this situation it is NOT the responsibility of the child to sort it is the responsibility of his 'owner'.

Take the stress off meals, take the stress off training continuously...the weeing will stop...and then of course you will have new problems that come up...that´s life

Stop going for perfection, relax, I´ve been wiping babies bums for 5 years now and I´d like it to stop...but it ain´t the kids fault! Every day, little steps forward.

If you can´t do this, please try to find another home for your dog....come down a shouldn´t have life or death control over this animal....and please consider if having another dog in your life is a good thing.

The grass is always greener over the other side of the fence...but no family is 'perfect' no matter how they look on the outside.

Sorry if I´ve been brutally honest, and I am still very happy to work on problems you have with your dog to move forward, but you need to accept that advice and tipps are not magic remedies...they take time....and you need to enjoy your dog, and love him through good times and bad.

This situation you describe says more about you than your dog ( though this is right for most animal problems!!)

Please write more ideas you have,
take care,