I have the most beautiful little Beagle pup, (8 weeks old) who has just been a joy in every single way except one.
At night, she REFUSES to sleep on her own bed, and needs to be cuddled up to me every night!
I have tried EVERYTHING! From letting her have something of mine on her bed, to having a hot water bottle with her, to having a ticking clock near her (i am told this resembles the sound of her mother's heartbeat??) but she just refuses to sleep anywhere else!!!!!!!
As soon as bed time comes and i set her down, she WAILS, HOWLS and generally SCREAMS for HOURS AND HOURS!!!!! (not even exaggerating, i am talking AT LEAST 6 hours!!!) she literally DOES NOT SLEEP! However, the MILLISECOND that i pick her up and put her into bed with me she stops. And the is silent for the rest of the night!
She's not a general crier, she cries for about 15 minutes after i leave for work in the morning (i checked with the neighbours) but then is silent for the rest of the day.
Does ANYONE have any ideas as to how i can coax her into sleeping on her own bed???? As much as i would be willing for her to sleep on the bed every night, my husband is not so willing. :rolleyes:
Thank you so much!