I was really interested to read about Finn, the biting Border Collie and the gentle immersion that his owners went through to get him to calm down.
Did the owners use situations with strangers i.e. were out for a walk, Finn went to nip, or did they enlist friends who were unknown to Finn?
I want to use these techniques for Teddy as his reaction to unknown people on walks is becoming more aggressive and embarrassing. Only yesterday he ran up to and started barking, going in at the ankles to a runner we met in the woods. Commands go unheeded and I have to 'grrr' at him and increase my pace so that he is 'shooed off'. I must remember the rattle I have made with a water bottle, pegs & pebbles!
My problem, I guess, is that Teddy is very well behaved on walks when he is on the leash and can be very well behaved when there aren't other distractions around. His recall can, on occasion, be 100%!! Would a training lead be useful, do you think, so that he has a certain amount of freedom but I can wind him in if needed?