I have a 10 month old Border collie/Black Lab that would rathewr play than eat. He ha enormous energy and would chase a frisbee 24/7 and everything is great until I want to stop. He will begin by nipping my pants leg and then jumping and biting my hands and arms. As he has matured his nipping has escalated to the point that he bruises and even breaks the skin. He has shown no other symptom of aggression and is totally devoted to me. I have tried to say "ouch" and turn and ignoere him but he just gets more excited and bites at my hands or arms to get me to play longer. I try to give him another object to bite on but he just continues to pull my hands and arms back to the play area. I try to get hold of his collar to control him but he has learned how to stay just out of my reach and nips at my hands. My patience wears thin and I get frustrated at not being able to control his excitement. I have tried the can with coins in it but it is not real effective outside in the grass.
I have read about the Border Collie trying to herd you and I wonder if this is an indication of that tendency.