I have a six month old female English Bull Terrier that has destroyed the wood facing on the outside door of my home. This was done in just two days, the first day she chewed the right side of the facing and the second day chewed the left side. The facing cannot be repaired but must be replaced. What would cause this sudden behavior and what can I do to stop it?
I can think of two possible causes of her behavior:
1) She was bored 2) She wanted to come inside (where you were)
She is also right at a teenager age so she can get mischivous to get your attention (even it's a negative attention - such as scolding or time-out).
Has she been getting a lot of physical and mental excercise everyday? How long she has been left alone outside?
In any cases, it will be a good idea to give her some obedience trainings that will help both you and your dog in building a trustful relationship as well as a good mental stimulation for her.