I have a Jack Russell Terrier named Clipper, he is a very loving dog but we
do have alot of issues to work on. He is 7 months old with alot of energy.
I have purchased the sitstayfetch ebook and we are working on his issues
one at a time. The issue that I can not find in the e-books are about eating
paper products, doesn't matter what kind of paper any paper will do but he
does like toilet paper more. Fabric softner sheets are my main concern.
He stands at the dryer when I'm taking the clothes out not to get the clothes
but he actually stands there waiting for a fabric softner sheet to fall so he can eat it. I try to catch them first but every now and again one falls to the floor, he's faster than I am at getting to it. When I try to get it from him he
eats and swallows it. Now I have found the leftovers in his play room on the floor, blew my mind because I didn't know what it was, I just knew it didn't
look right (poop). After close examination I discover it was a fabric softner
sheet with some food rolled up in it. My questions are 1) What if any are the dangers of him eating this and all other paper? Don't know if he threw it up or if it came out the other end 2) What can I do to stop him from eating paper
products? I've got a solution to the fabric softner sheets, I will no longer use them. But what about all the other paper most of which I have to have (ie toilet paper)Oh yea, he also likes plastic grocery bags!!
Please someone help before he turns into paper!!!!!!!!!!!!