Is the dog that sleeps in the owner's bed leader of the pack? The dominant dog? Most experts seem to assume this as fact. Having a problem with your dog? Get him out of the bed. Want Dog A to be dominant. Then let Dog A in your bed and keep Dog B out.
I think this theory, like many, depends.
Loki was a very dominant unspayed GSD female. She wouldn't sleep on my bed but prefered a round pillow of her own. Halla was a very submissive spayed GSD female. Loki was already about 8 when Halla (one) came to live with us. There was never any question as to ranking between the two. However, Halla had one bad habit. She chewed everything she found on the floor, especially at night when we were in bed. All my shoes were ending up with one piece taken out of them. Realizing that nobody but me would see a hole in the sheet and everyone would see the hole in my shoe, I had Halla sleep in the bed with me. She would lean off the bed, in Loki's face: "Nyah! Nyah! I get to sleep on the bed and you don't!" But Loki was still the dominant one.
Two years later, when Loki had to be put down for cancer, Halla refused to return to the bed: "That's for puppies and I'm now an adult!" (She also stopped chewing inappropriate objects.)
Of course, neither dog had read the right books. That may be why they never realized Halla became dominant once she started sleeping on the bed.
[At this time, I knew nothing about "making" a dog the dominant one. I petted the dogs in the order they reached me. They left the house first so I could shut and lock the door. I believed you fed your animals first and did so. Still, they never questioned who was leader. :eek:I stopped an un-neutered male from mounting an in-season female with a sharp "No!"]