Dog aggression during sleep

Posted by amikoa
May 23, 2008
My dog was attacked during his sleep by my older dog while he was asleep and now he wakes up very aggressive and attacks my other dogs. This doesn't happen all the time, it's very unpredictable. Everything is nice and peaceful all the dogs are asleep and then all of a sudden he growls and then lunges after the closest dog to him. I'm not sure if training is going to help with this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Posted by KOPsarah
Apr 20, 2009
Hi there amikoa, thanks for your post. I apologize for the very late reply, I am a new staff member and unfortunately during the gap in staff members many post were left unanswered and I am endeavoring to catch up with them all so that no one is left stranded. I was wondering if you could please give me an update on the your dogs and their sleep aggression problems. Is there still a problem? If so have they made any progress or has their behavior changed in any way? We apologize again for the delay. I will ensure any further posts you make are replied to promptly.