How can I make my dog to stop chase others dog and stop barking in the dog parking?
I have a 5 years old poodle mix toy, Rocky and a dorbeman. The dorberman plays with others dogs, he is fine, but Rocky started to barking to other dogs, when they are play ore wrestlering each other. I pay attention that he doesn't like german shepperds as soon as he saw one, he starts to barking and chase the dog. However, if the dog doesn't like his barking and his behavior and defende himself growing or try to attack him, he run away and stop. In addition, I pay attention that Rocky likes to smell other dog, but he doesn't allow the other dogs smell him, look like that he is afraid from others dog and starting barking and attack the other dog. He doesn't attack to hurt , it is like he said to other dog: " go away I don't want you close to me".
Rocky's barking it is really annoying for me and everybody in the park. What should I do?