I have been wondering about the following two opposite protocols when you want to correct fearful behaviors of dogs:
1) Some books/trainers say:
You must never pay any attention/no treats to your dog at all if he/she is showing fearful behavior. Instead, ignore your dog totally not even talk to him/her because giving attention when your dog shows fearfulness will reinforce that particular behavior.
2) Other books/trainers say:
As soon as your dog alerts to the stranger, you begin feeding him the luscious treats one after the other as quickly as he can eat them. It is important that no matter how your dog behaves you continue to feed. Remember we are not rewarding "correct" or "incorrect" behavior; we are working on changing the dog's emotional state.
I personally think it is important to change your dog's emotional state in order to help him overcome the fear. As I observe Noah's tense/nerveousness there is a threshold where his aggression turns on. I would even talk to my dog saying "Be good, it's OK. You will be fine" as I pet him to calm him down. I don't think this is reinforcing his fearful behavior.
They are totally different approches and I am interested to hear what others would think/prefer or have any experiences of using either method. Thanks!