Friend's Border Collie agressive toward our Dog

Posted by STEVEPHS
Jan 9, 2009

We meet up with friends every couple of weeks who have a 9 month old border collie. Toward other dogs, the border collie is submissive and friendly. However, when they brought the border collie into our home for the first time, it instantly snarled at our 8 month old Golden Retriver who loves other dogs and just wants to play with them.

Today, we took both dogs out for a walk together and they were both fine when on their leads. Some time later on the walk, we took their leads off and let them run around on the beach when the border collie attacked our dog. We immediately intercepted them so it didn't escalate into anything major but it seems strange to us why the collie is so submissive to every other dog except for ours.

Is there any way of resolving this issue?
Posted by Maggiesmom1
Jan 10, 2009
Perhaps the border collie senses that there is something medical going on with your dog also. Just a thought...
Posted by MaxHollyNoah
Jan 10, 2009

The first thing came to my mind is that the border collie is rather reserved and does not want your GR puppy's "Lets play, lets play~" kind of enthusiastic invitation.

Because you said the BC is submissive and friendly to other dogs, I don't think he/she is an aggressive dog. BCs are so different from GRs and some of them need more personal space and it takes a long time to get really comfortable with new dogs.

I might be wrong in this case, but just a thought.