I have 5 ex-racing greyhounds and have worked hard to get them well behaved most of the time. My old girl (11yrs) has a problem with some other dogs. She charges at them and barks quite agressively but once she has done that either ignores them completely or plays with them quite nicely. She particularly picks on nervous dogs/owners but apart from that you can't tell which dog it will be until her stance changes (ears up/head down). The barking problem is really bad when she is on the lead and the others tend to join in.
In her previous home of 3 yrs she was obviously bullied into behaving as she is quite timid with people and most of the time appears to be a submissive dog.
She also has painful arthritis in her spine and is generally very guarded when touched, especially when asleep.
I have been to obedience classes and she behaves like a normal dog there.
Any ideas?