I have an 11 mo. old Dobe/Coonhound mix. Kody is an absolute love. We were walking the other day, we do daily 2 mi. walks, and while passing a gentleman coming the other direction, Kody raised up and nipped the sleeve on his forearm. I was shocked. He's never done any such thing. Since then, I've seen other changes. We stopped to see another walker a different day and altho the man offered his hand, palm down, Kody felt the need to offer up a warning growl. Additionally, my teenage son is in and out of the house regularly, sometimes with friends in tow. Kody growled at one of his friends to which I responded by a firm NO, then made him sit. I talked to the friend, and once Kody saw me touch the friend, he was fine. He's also becoming very barky outside if a neighbor comes up to talk with me and again I have to put him in his place, and perform an introduction.
My take on this is that Kody is being protective of me; unfortunately I want him to take his cue FROM me, versus making the decision himself. I do maintain the alpha position, and it's quite obvious that he's aware of it. This is the only situation where I'm at a loss. Please provide some ideas how I can make this come to a screeching halt.
Thanx very much!