Aaauugh...I've been reading the sitstayfetch book, and going through all these posts for ideas on my new pup's aggression, and I've got to say...I'm so confused!
I've been given some good advice, and I'm grateful for it...but it conflicts so much with...everything else! The book says let my two dogs fight it out to determine who is the alpha dog, and then treat them accordingly. Another great idea says, whoever has seniority is the alpha dog, automatically. Then there's the theory that alpha is a bunch of nonsense, and I don't know what to think! I truly think my new puppy may be the alpha dog, for those of you who follow that school of thought. After he bit my older dog, the older dog does appear to cower towards him when they're in the room together. And according to the book that I just paid for, that's fine! I'm not entirely sure the dogs have worked out their problems, and I'm scared to let them fight it out...I honestly fear for my older dog's life, should this turn out to be something else. What if my older dog is NOT really backing down? What if the new puppy is just mean and will kill him even if he does back down?
I got this book and joined these forums to get some answers...and I've learned a lot, really. I know all dogs are different, but I just wish it weren't so darn confusing. I may be jumping ahead of myself here, and maybe being a bit impatient...I just want to know that I'm doing the right thing and not making the situation worse. :confused: