Jumping on the table

Posted by Lauren-T
Mar 13, 2009
My 1 year old shepard/husky mix loves to jump up onto my dining room table. I only know that he does this because the table pad shifts when he jumps down. He always does it when I am not looking or not around. I have a coffee can on top of the table. This is the can we use to make a startling noise for our "NO". This is a deterrent, but not a complete solution.

Any advise is appreciated.
Posted by KOPsBecks
Mar 13, 2009
I think that you are definately doing the right thing by using the can and saying "NO!". I think that also you need to not allow the dog to have the opportunity to jump on the table when you are not around to correct him. The secret to dog training is consistent, persistent and patient training so if he is able to jump on the table freely sometimes and only gets told off occassionally when you see him then he is not getting the maximal effects of your training. When you leave the room, shut it off so that the dog doesn't have access. Keep going with your training, and I believe it will eventually pay off!

Good luck,
