Bobby is a 2 year old Jack Russel/Springer Spaniel Cross. He is very bright energetic and playful and used to love playing with other dogs. He was well socialised as a puppy and was keen to make friends with all dogs, large and small. However, he has become very territorial if he has a ball or a stick and any other dog approaches. He does not only growl at them to scare them off, but pursues them snapping at their necks. He has never bitten any other dog, but has provoked retaliatory agression from otherwise gentle dogs that he has known for many months. Now he responds aggressively if any dogs playfully pounce on him, and I am never sure how he is going to react, and therefore am quite nervous myself about him meeting dogs. I can walk him on the leash, but feel that this is a shame when he is otherwise very obedient. I think this behaviour started after he was attacked in the park by a German Shepherd (over a ball) and had puncture wounds. He was 8 months old. However, the behaviour is defintely getting worse.
He is also quite territorial at home over his bed and over any food treats, but not over his toys.
I know he is bright and can learn, but would really welcome tips of how to get him over this fear and aggression.
Many thanks,