We have a neutered two year old boxer/lab (and maybe some other things) mix. We got him at the pound when he was seven months old. As a puppy, he loved every dog and every person he met. He was the perfect dog. We took him to training, worked with him, and gave him lots of exercise. When he was about a year and a half, he started showing some random aggressive behavior towards men. Every once in a while (i.e. once every few weeks or months) he will growl and bark at someone (it always seems to be a male, he loves females and kids), and he has also started being really aggressive to other dogs on leash (but only if they show the first aggression). The aggression seems to be limited to his territory (or what he thinks is his territory--his walking routes, home, other places he stays often). We have been very worried about this situation and have been trying to work with him (I bought the Sit Stay Fetch book in July), but recently the situation has escalated as he allegedly "went after" and "bit" (we don't know if the skin was broken) a jogger when he was staying at my mother's house for the weekend. Unfortunately, the jogger called Animal Control. Now we are not sure what to do, because we must have a dog who is friendly and gets along with people and other dogs. (In fact, we are both teachers and we take our dog to school fairly frequently.) The fact is, that our dog IS this dog most of the time, and we don't know how to predict those few times that he isn't. Any advice would be soooo appreciated. We don't want to get rid of our dog, but we are worried that we might have to, and this breaks our hearts.
Thank you!!!