my neighbour, who lives on the same block of land as me has two dogs. the dogs are about 1 year old and have dingo in them. they hunt everything. Lizards, snakes, posssums, chickens, kangaroos, ginea foul. what ever they can kill they hunt. they are fed well, so they are only doing this for fun. however, my neighbour does not seem to care. i have chickens and a puppy i am afraid these dogs will try to hunt next. the dogs have a weird attitude towards people. some days i get home from work and they stand there wagging their tails, other days they cower with the tails between their legs and bolt off into the bushes. it's like they are afraid i will hit them, but i have never shown aggression to them. the dogs have free reign over the property. and when they play up and are told off by their owner, they ignore the punishment, running away play fighting eachother. if they are told off separately they lay on the ground on their backs. but get up like they are not affected by the punishment.
what can i do to discourage the behaviour they display in hunting all the animals?