Off Leash Training

Posted by ke4itnotelconet
Mar 15, 2009
Thanks to this forum, the help of a professional dog trainer and some hard work on both our parts, my 8 month old female Pit/Ridgeback mix behaves very well on leash.
Now it's time to train off leash. When I let her off leash she will not come when called and will roam the neighborhood investigating everything. When called I might as well not be calling her, it's a waste of my breath!
Can anyone start me down the right road to off leash training?
Posted by Idan-Kashi
Mar 15, 2009
Congratulations for passing to the next level.

Next time, do never let your dog off leash in a place where it may put himself in danger (like a passing car or another dog that he may run towards) before you have a reliable recall command.

Start the training in a safe place, where there are no distractions (like your house, your yard etc.), and get some tasty treats with you. Work out on the recall command and some other command you want. Then, raise the criteria until you got some reliable off leash commands with distractions (like people talking, kids playing with a ball and even a dog in the area). After you will pass that phase, you can get out to the street (for your dog's safety, you gotta' use a long leash, so you have control over him in case you need to) and again, work on the command and raise the criteria until you can let him fully off leash.

Hope I helped