Please help me with socialization

Posted by luvmy4dogs
Jul 15, 2009
My 2 German Shepard's are almost 2 and they really haven't been socialized enough. they have both been to obedient school and did great. I have tried to take them to a play group (one at a time) to get them more social, but each time I took them they were unable to stay b/c they are actually scared of the other dogs and jump around and growl and bark at them. they are not aggressive but I don't want them to be so I need to get them socialized before they are. they also stand at the fence in the yard and do nothing but bark at the neighbors and their dogs.They are scared of everything, if someone comes to the door Lexi will stand next to the refrigerator and peak around it until she decides its OK to come out. But they love people. Please help me with a solution to socialize.
Posted by KOPsarah
Jul 18, 2009
Hi Bonnie, and thanks for your post.
Socializing older and large dogs can be difficult. For your situation I would recommend buying a head collar such as a halti or gentle leader. Head collars prevent your dog from being able to jump around and bark and growl. It therefore gives you the control and confidence to teach your dogs about socializing and behaving around other dogs. Start small, take a favorite toy or treats with you and have your dog on its head collar and leash. When a dog is in sight but still far away ask your dog to sit and if it responds well then give it a treat and make a big fuss. Keep trying to distract your dog with tricks and treats. As soon as your dog starts to take get excited or upset about the other dog ignore it completely and calmly walk it in the opposite direction from the dog. The idea is to reward calmness around other dogs and make over excited, anxious or aggressive behavior unrewarding and boring.

You can use a similar theory when your dog is inside and trying to hide behind the fridge. Ignore her while she is being nervous and ask your guest to do the same. As soon as your dog is showing calm behavior give her gentle praise and a treat. This technique makes it very clear to the dog which behavior is appropriate and which is not without requiring punishment or anything drastic which would likely lead to more nervous behavior!

I hope this helps get your socialization underway, if you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.