I adopted a rescue dog that had been dumped in my neighborhood about 4 months ago (a small mixed terrier about 10 pounds). Gus is extremely dominant and can have aggressive tendencies when not given boundaries (the week he was found, he bit one of his rescuers for giving too much attention to another dog in their house). He used to go "postal" quite a bit.
After going through obedience classes and a personal dog trainer lesson, he is now doing brilliantly... with me. He obeys my commands, will let me put him in any submissive position, waits for my command before going out of doors, getting on the couch, eating treats or eating his meals. He's not behaving this way towards other dogs or humans though. What do you suggest I do to help train him to see all humans as alpha and dominant to him?
I'm a one-pet household, so he's not getting socialized as much as I'd like. Have considered doggie daycare, but am concerned that he might get aggressive there and that I need to correct his behavioural issues first.
Here are a few examples of his behavior:
* Is extremely possessive of his crate space (where he spends a lot of time when I'm gone). Certain times of the year, I work late and have a friend come over and take care of him. He's been snapping at her when she comes to get him out of his crate and she must find a way of getting him out & then closing the door so he can't get back into his "safe zone". After that, he is usually very good with her, she says...obeying her, playing fetch with her with another dog in the same room, not snapping, etc.
* Sadly, he ended up biting the same friend yesterday in her own house when I was holding him and she put out her hand to sniff and then pet him...almost as if he was being possessive of me. She said when I'm not around (and he's away from his crate) he obeys her, plays with her, takes corrections and never gets this way...almost like he is "confused" where he is in the pecking order when she and I are both in the same room. She can give him a command in front of me and he'll give her a deep-throat growl. I'll give him the same command and he'll react immediately. We've worked on having her correct him in front of me so he could start seeing her as dominant, but doesn't appear to be working. Should I be correcting him at the same time?
* He doesn't really socialize with other dogs. He never plays/romps around with other dogs at dog parks or in the neighborhood. If a couple of dogs are playing right next to him, he can sometimes snap at them - possibly out of intimidation/fear...especially with larger dogs. He's gotten to the point that most of the time he'll ignore those dogs on my request and sit or lay down. In big group settings/crowds in a dogpark, he usually doesn't snap. He loves to play fetch, though, and could go 24 hours straight if you let him. He'll even drop the ball at a stranger's foot to see them throw it. (Again, maybe a dominance thing?)
Would appreciate any feedback or help you could give me on training methods I could use with him.