I adopted a Black Lab x from a rescue organization about 6 months ago. He is about 1 year old. He is a bright dog expept when he is around other dogs, then he suffers from anxiety, he seems to forget everything he has learned in the past 4 months. Its like he doesn't know how to behave amongst other dogs. Yet he has a couple of playmates that he is "normal" with. When I first got him, he whinned, barked, jumped up and I thought he was going to have heart failure he was so hyper. On his own he is well behaved and is very willing to please and of course is food driven, which as helped. He is very curious, fascinated and appears to like small dogs but then again being bigger and with his exhuberance he over whelms them.
I have tried taking him to Obedience classes but he is so hyper, and barks and lunges at the other dogs. Working on his own he is almost "perfect" and is great in the house. Its just this dog issue out in the big wide world.
Any suggestions?