I have two six year old Labradors, siblings, and they both steal food from the kitchen counters. The male is on thyroid medication and after having lost 14lbs he needed to lose, he is now eating his way back up to his previous weight. They steal when we are home and out of the room, not at home, anytime. We try to keep everything out of reach but yesterday, I had just brought groceries home and had a loaf of bread on the counter. I left the room for about one minute and came back to an empty plastic bag and Max looking guilty. He is large and can easily reach the counters. He was also the biggest puppy of the litter, the milk hog. I have heard of putting mouse traps on the counters but am afraid they will get injured. I have been working with feeding them only in one place, I make them "leave it" when I set the food down, and they eat when I give them permission. They are exercised daily and live on a farm, have loads of attention.
Any suggestions?