i'm having issues getting my 18 month old dog to go outside when she's told to. Especially at night time when it's "bedtime". She has always been a bit resistant to going outside when she's told but got better and better at it when i was giving her a treat and praising her.
But all of a sudden in the last few weeks she has become resistant to the treats. She will run away from me as soon as i tell her "bedtime" or "outside" and does not do anything for a treat. Even when i get hold of her collar (if i can!) or put her short lead on to take her out she fights it and will just not walk, if she gets away she lies down and will often roll onto her back. i don't know if this is a sign of submission or because she knows that it is harder for me to get her up if she lies like this.
I have left her outside and not let her in at all a few nights just to prove that it's not her right to be inside just because we are home, but when we do let her in she is still reacting but running away when she's told to go outside..
Any tips for getting her to go out when she's told?
She knows what i am telling her to do, she just doesn't want to do it, so she is flat out disobeying me......