Since he was an 8 week old puppy my shih tzu has gone into his cage (situated in Kitchen) at night without any whining or barking. He is now 17 months old and two weeks ago he began barking and whining one night. Because it was so unusual I went to see what was wrong---and all he wanted was to play! Since it was a windy night we put it down to that. But since then he has barked every night when placed in his cage. The barking lasts up to twenty minutes before he eventually quietens. What is worse he has begun to hide defensively when he recognises our night time routines, and whereas he would often go into his cage independently during the day, he will not venture near it now.
Another aspect of this is that in the mornings when we go to the kitchen he may be sitting up awake and waiting, and whereas he is pleased to see us, there has been no whining or barking even though he may have been sitting there in daylight for some time.but without any barking. So it seems to have more to do with the time of day.
Any suggestions, please?