Hi Sara and Kjd!
I could not believe my eyes - I opened up KoPets to write about exactly the same problem.
I work from home and Migo has to be in the kitchen and backyard when my patients arrive for their sessions.
he has learnt that this means being 'put away'!
As soon as I call him he comes to the door and stands exactly where he can decide if he is coming in or not! As soon as I take ONE step closer to him he turns and heads back away/outside.
If I turn around and walk away- he comes back to exactly that point and watches. He SO knows what is happening.
As with you Sara, he comes perfectly when I am training him, has his treat and behaves 100%.
But stupid he is not.
Treats, toys anything else- NO Go. He heads away before I can get him .
I had to fo the same with him- namely throw and throw and then try and catch him.
He is training me at this point.
I dont want to keep doing this as he is learning all the time that he can get away with this. I have tried doing what you suggest Kjd, but still, I dont feel Migo and I are making too much progress in this area.
Please help!!
Thanks to you both