My 10 week old puppy is sweet and calm when she first gets up, but when she gets woundup or just feels like playing she starts biting our hands ,feet and pulls at our pant legs. My hands, arms and feet look like I have been in a cat fight.I have tried replacing with a toy, turning and ignoring her,putting her in time out, yelping like a puppy or just say a firm no. She may look at me for a second, then jumps back on us to play. She thinks we are playing nonstop. I have even sprayed her with a water bottle, which I hated to do..She just looks at me and starts biting again. In other areas she is great. Potty training is doing ok, she will sit, stay and come. Walking on a lead is getting better every day. I have all your material and tried it all. I have taken her to the park, she loves everyone. She was only 51/2 weeks old when we got her and I know she didn't have time to play rough with her littermates. I have bought tons of toys. I only work 2 days a week and have someone come in on those 2 days.I feel I am missing something to do, please help me. She is a darling pup and can be so cuddly when she first wakes up. I'm just afraid she won't stop when she gets older. Need your help.
Thanks, Susan Spagnuolo