
Posted by kdt
Jul 8, 2013
Why is my dog all of s sudden decided to nap in her cage while I'm home? Iv had her 8 mo and she is now 15 mo old. I only crate her when I'm away! Is she sad? She only started this about a month ago. The cage is always left open. I'm worried she is not happy for some reason
Posted by Preethi KOP
Jul 9, 2013
Hi Kimberly,

Thank you for your message and concern for your pet.

It is great when owners are hyper-vigilant about things like this, as they are often the only signs of early disease. Could you tell me what breed your dog is and what her daily routine is like (diet, crate time, play/exercise time, play mates etc.)? How long does she tend to sit in her crate when you are home?

I am sorry to be asking more questions to your question instead of answering it, but I need to have the little pieces of the puzzle to try and see the big picture!

Looking forward to hearing back from you. Thanks in advance for your time.

Kind regards,
Posted by kdt
Jul 10, 2013
Thank u so much for responding. Mae is a rescue I adopted st 6 mo old. She is now 15 mo old. They said she was pure husky but I think a mix of husky/Eskimo spits. She has a lot of energy sometimes. She likes to eat at night. I try and walk her every night. I make sure she gets dog playtime with a friends dog or obediance class at least once a wi. She is well socialized. Very obediant dog. She goes in the cage for no more then 9 hrs when I'm at work. On her own lately she goes in for maybe couple hrs to lay down. Now I did recently put a sm fan blowing on her when its really hot out and I have to put her in her cage to leave. Maybe she thinks its on all the time and likes it. She could also just be growing up? More comfy in her new home?
Posted by Preethi KOP
Jul 10, 2013
Hi again Kimberly,

Thank you for your prompt reply! And kudos to you for adopting a rescue dog.

I wouldn't be too worried about Mae. Yes, it is most likely because she is more comfortable now and has settled down well in her new home. As long as she is active at other times, happy to interact with other dogs/go on walks etc. and is eating well, you are certainly doing all you need to!

Keep up the good work. All the best to you and Mae.
