Chicken Jerky Treats

Posted by Melissa
Apr 23, 2009
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted you all to be aware that there is some concern about the safety of some chicken jerky treats on the market. I recently had to put my papillon to sleep due to kidney failure last weekend. I am relatively certain it had something to do with me giving her these chicken jerky treats. We can think of no other reason she would have been ill. I am leaving a couple of links you can check out. I miss my Riley Jean terribly and I would hate for anyone to have to endure what my family has been through the past couple of months. Please be careful and do not feed any thing being manufactured in China! I am one to read labels and not feed anything that seems unhealthy. However I am pretty sure this packaging does not say anything about being manufactured in China, and it makes me angry these things are still on the shelf! I purchased mine at Wal Mart and Kroger. They were the Waggin Train brand. However, this illness is not being caused by just one brand of jerky treat! Please pass this along to any dog owner you know and especially your veterinarian. We had no idea what could have caused Riley's kidney failure until after the fact and my vet had not heard of the jerky treats being toxic because they have not been recalled.

[url=]FDA: Jerky Treats from China May Be Causing Illness in Pets - Oregon Veterinary Medical Association[/url]

[url=]Lacie's Site - Supporting and informing pet owners about the dangers of Chinese jerky treats[/url]

[url=]Preliminary Animal Health Notification - Chicken Jerky Products for Dogs[/url]

Hug your doggies close!