You could REALLY help us with a behavior problem that came with
our Cairn Terrier 'rescue' animal who was raised in a cage for breeding
purposes and never housetrained.
She was four when we got her. We've tried in every way to get her
housebroken, but she isn't consistent in her behavior and frequently
... when she manages to "escape" into the carpeted portions of our
house...uses the carpet.
She gives absolutely no "warning" signal.
She is walked regularly, exercised both on and off leash, has
companionship most days, all day. Accepts her "cage" which is kept in the
kitchen... shut at night to prevent her from relieving herself on the wooden
kitchen floor..... even though taken for a walk just prior to 'bedtime.'
Rewarded for using the outdoors, she doesn't "get" the idea.
Has the terrier instinct for "doing what she pleases". Only after
months of practice will she Sit, Stay.... and then only at feeding time. Will
not Come, in spite of much effort, unless a 'treat' is promised.... and even
then.. if there is some other attraction... does not respond.
There ought to be a special manual for the breed, with a section
written for correcting bad habits in 'rescued' animals.
Any thoughts?