Go for it, MaxHollyNoah!
I think one of the members of my club was one of the founders of canine freestyle. I remember seeing it years ago. Unfortunately, I am totally inept when it comes to music, so it isn't for me.
Daisy is probably more confused than you. She was taught to stay on the left; now you want her on your right -- can't humans ever decide what they want?!
Since English isn't your native language, you might try using the same word, but in your 1st language, for doing something in another direction. Don't ever limit yourself to one language. As far as Daisy is concerned, it is all the same. You could also try using signals, rather than spoken words. Then the signals could be incorporated in your routine.
You and Daisy will both enjoy it. It gives the dog much more to do and think about. (Obedience, OTOH, has only a few commands.) Freestyle lets the two of you adapt to one another. When you have your routine, you'll have to have it taped and let us see it. It will be beautiful.
As for Dundee, I know you will be picky about his new owner. He has taught you a lot. I doubt you'll ever forget him. Personally, I agree with Dundee -- I wish you'd keep him permanently. But I know that means you'd lose a space for another rescue dog. So I'll just pray the right person gives him his forever home.