I love my baby girl and I get compliments all the time about how gorgeous she is so I thought I'd share my love with those of you that will appreciate it!
This is Alice. She is a female, spayed, 1yr old, American Blue Pit-bull. I got her from my ex-husband when we discovered I cannot have kids-the only thing I wanted in the entire world! Needless to say, the news came very very hard to me (I'm 23yrs, found out at age 21...). So I got Alice right at 7-8 weeks. She has helped me heal my broken heart and for that I am truly grateful.
That last picture is her watching Disney's [I]The Fox & The Hound[/I]...one of her favorite movies...besides Disney's [I]Oliver & Company[/I]!!
Replies are appreciated but not expected, I just wanted to share the joy of my life.